The Importance of Quality Materials: Introducing The LINEAGE PRO Line

Whether starting from the ground up or remodeling an existing structure, the materials chosen for your project are of the utmost importance. The rebar, lumber, and flooring down to the finishing touches, every material selected needs to be a high quality product that will stand the test of time, and your choice of wall covering should be no different. 

Wall coverings can make a huge impact not only on the finished appearance of your project, but in the time and money spent on upkeep as well as the ease of cleaning and possible replacement or repairs.

Taking your needs into consideration, we have developed the new LINEAGE PRO line just for you.


LINEAGE PRO is in an interior wall cladding panel made of PVC that is intrinsically impervious to bacteria, mold, mildew, chemicals, and water. With these attributes and more, LINEAGE PRO is perfectly designed for environments that are prone to water exposure and frequent cleaning. 

How is LINEAGE PRO Superior to Standard FRP? 

There are some excellent benefits of using LINEAGE PRO when compared to generic FRP panels. To start, it contains no fiberglass, which is a huge plus for installers because it reduces skin and eye irritation. This is a major safety consideration. It is also exceedingly quick and easy to install when compared to FRP.  Our panels can be adhered to almost any solid, clean surface, including drywall, concrete block, wood, metal and more. This means that no matter what type of building materials you are working with, this product should be your top choice. 

LINEAGE PRO is class I/A fire rated and will not lose its color, erode, or “fiber bloom”, ensuring a sleek, durable surface. There is also a wide range of color and trim options for you to choose from. 

With all of these benefits, you may be thinking that LINEAGE PRO will be out of your project budget, but that is not the case! This line is extremely cost-effective; it’s Class I/A at a price point closer to a Class III / C FRP panel.

Ideal Uses 

LINEAGE PRO is a great option for many businesses, and we wanted to take time to list a few of them for you: 

  • Universities & Government Buildings
  • Public Restrooms
  • Change Rooms
  • Cafeterias
  • High Traffic Areas (i,e. hallways or lobbies) 
  • Offices
  • Waiting Rooms
  • Car Wash – Tunnel & Clean Work Areas
  • Corrosive Environments 
  • Animal Confinement 

More Information  

For even more information on whether LINEAGE PRO is the right solution for you, please download our brochure here

If you would like to speak to one of our MPS professionals, please contact us today.